Did you know that over half of the adult population in the U.S frequently snores? It is a very common problem that is constantly overlooked. Snoring can influence the quality of sleep both for yourself and your partner, which will affect your health in the long term. It could even be a precursor to an underlying problem that may need medical guidance.
Here is everything you need to know about snoring to improve the quality of sleep for yourself and everyone around you.
What causes people to snore?

Source: clinicablasi.com
Like your voice, snoring results from vibrating tissue in your throat and mouth. As it flows through your airways, air will cause vibrations that will produce sound waves that will be heard as snoring. It is affected by your sleeping position, level of comfort, stage of sleep, use of additional substances and other factors that will influence your body’s ability to be fully at rest during sleep. It could also be a sign of an underlying medical problem. It can be addressed with simple adjustments to your sleeping conditions or surgical procedure.
You should consider a comprehensive evaluation if you feel that you’re snoring is too frequent. This will involve detailed introspection into your sleep pattern and hygiene, frequency of daytime naps and symptoms of sleepiness at unusual times. You could also assess your weight, body mass index (BMI) and changes to your neck circumference to understand how these may contribute to snoring. With this information, you will be better able to seek an ideal treatment plan for your condition.
What are some effective treatment options for snoring?

Source: ocentclinic.com
Once you have assessed your snoring problem, you may consider seeking treatment to help address it. There are many easy remedies you could consider to help improve your sleep and reduce the frequency of snoring.
Home-based treatment options
You can reduce the frequency of snoring by taking up changes to your sleeping habits for a better night’s rest. You should avoid taking any alcohol and sedatives before bed. These will relax your muscles and make it easier for flowing air to create vibrations within your throat. You should avoid any alcoholic drinks at least two hours before you go to bed, and contact your physician to seek substitutes for any sedatives you may be prescribed to.
Allergies will cause the nasal passage to block, which may force you to breathe through your mouth while sleeping. The blocked passageways and contorted airflow will cause an increased likelihood of snoring. If you have an allergy, you should seek treatment to prevent snoring. You may even consider off the counter anti-allergen treatment options to help you overcome your allergies for a better night’s rest.
You should sleep for between six to eight hours every night. Your body needs sufficient sleep to function efficiently. If you fail to meet these numbers, your natural rhythm will be affected. You will be less likely
to experience rest while sleeping which could increase the likelihood of snoring. You can meet your sleep recommendations by developing a sleep routine to help get you in bed and asleep early enough.
Blue light, which is emitted by mobile phones, computers and televisions, will affect your body’s natural rhythm as well. It may trick your brain into believing that it is still daytime, which will affect your ability to fall asleep. This will disrupt your sleep pattern and reduce your ability to rest, which may influence snoring. It is important that you limit your use of these devices before bed to enjoy a full night’s rest and address snoring.
You could also improve your sleep environment to boost the quality and consistency of your rest. You can do this by making your sleeping area more comfortable. Invest in comfortable sheets and beddings, a soft pillow and amerisleep mattress for a full sleep experience. You will be less likely to snore if you are comfortable and are well rested.
Watching your diet and weight could also help minimize snoring. In many cases, the frequency of snoring will depend on changes in weight. As you pick up additional pounds, you will be more likely to have bigger tissue in your throat and could face more vibrations. You should consider cutting down your weight to reduce the likelihood of snoring. Taking up healthy dietary options and exercise for a healthier body will improve the quality of sleep as well. We also suggest you check out non-surgical solutions like Smart Nora, which could also help you.
Medical options

Source: cosmicsleepclinic.com.au
If your snoring persists after trying out the home remedies listed above, you may need to consider medical help. These are a number of the options available to help you remedy your snoring.
You could consider getting oral mouthpieces to prevent any blockage and reduce the likelihood of vibration in your throat. These dental appliances will keep your air passage open when you sleep, which will reduce the likelihood of snoring. Before taking up this option, you will need to contact your dentist for a recommendation on the right size for you.
Palatial implants toughen the soft palate in your mouth and reduce the likelihood of vibration. You will be less likely to snore after this quick surgical procedure. You could also consider radiofrequency tissue ablation to reduce the size of your soft palate tissue through the use of low-intensity radio waves. This process, which is also called a somnoplasty, can be a permanent way to address snoring.
Other surgical procedures include UPPP and LAUPPP. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is a process that involves the tightening of your throat muscles. It can be done with or without the use of laser technology. It will reduce the surface area available for vibration, which works to minimize the vibrations and sound produced.
Final word
Snoring can be problematic for yourself and your family. It will disrupt everyone’s sleep and impact their health in the long term. It could also be a sign of existing medical problems. If simple changes to your dietary and sleeping habits have little impact on your snoring frequency, you may need to seek medical attention to address it. There are a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures that could help you cut out your snoring and improve your sleep.