Home Health 7 Tips For Fast Healing After Full Dental Implant Surgery

7 Tips For Fast Healing After Full Dental Implant Surgery

by Hana Riley

While getting dental implants, there is a rush of emotions that a person witnesses. In one second, a person can feel nervous about the outcome, and within the next second, a person can be excited about the results. Before the implants, people face many issues like skipping their favorite food items and having issues with a full-size smile, too.

But, after dental implants, the dental patients see that all these issues miraculously diminish, and everything in their eating and the smiling routine returns to normal.

Amid all these discussions, one underrated concept must be in the proper limelight. It is related to the healing process after implant surgery. You might think that a normal oral routine awaits you once the surgery is finished. But, the recovery period should be considered, and all the recommended steps should be taken.

It becomes all the more important when the dental implants must osseointegrate or fuse with the bones surrounding the bone area. The osseointegration period can last anywhere between 3-6 months. As a dental patient, it is common for you to get intimated by the period, but recovery is not as stretchy or bad as you might think.

The success rate and longevity of dental implant surgery are directly proportional to the steps you take during the recovery period for healing. Here are some tips to help you recover fully after implant surgery.

1. Resting Is The Key To Recovery

Source: dowelldental.com

As common as it can get, resting is the key to quick and efficient recovery, which is true for recovery after dental surgery. The human body knows something is wrong inside and begins to update you with the same through constant signs. After such a surgery, you should focus on your body patterns and omit to exert yourself. But resting should not stop when you can sense recovery.

Apart from resting, you should avoid doing any physical activity that creates a possibility for you to get hit in the face. The process will have no meaning if such a thing happens as it will follow postoperative complications.

2. Chewing And Nutrition

When a person undergoes such a treatment, it is common to have queries in mind related to food and nutrition. Also, the chewing ways and any precaution for the same can be a matter of question. So, you should note that 48 hours after dental implant surgery, you should avoid eating food items that are too hot or too spicy. If you don’t consider this and begin eating such food items, it can lead to bleeding and irritation in the surgical area of the mouth.

Instead, it would help if you chose to eat soft food items that don’t cause issues while chewing. The jaw movement is less, and there are fewer chances of irritation.

3. Hydration Is Important

Source: w5physio.co.uk

Hydration is important in one’s daily routine. It becomes more important when you have undergone dental surgery. An ample amount of water intake after the placement of the implants is important to flush the toxins from the body as the process is otherwise slow in recovery. Also, you will have good energy levels in the body.

Apart from that, you should not include the intake of hard drinks or caffeine in your diet. These will dehydrate the body and reverse the overall process that has been done for recovery. Also, they can enter the chain so that the healing process hampers. Hence, you should avoid taking such drinks for a minimum of 15 days after the surgery.

4. Usage Of Ice Packs

Swelling is an addition that comes after dental surgery. Also, the swelling levels will vary from one patient to another. You can consider using ice packs for the reduction of swelling. It would help if you wrapped it in a cotton towel before placing it over your face, as direct placement can hamper the skin. Also, you should follow a 20-minute cycle for better results. The cycle is that you can keep the ice pack on your cheek for 20 minutes, followed by a 20-minute rest to the skin. Excess of everything is bad, and if you do the same with using ice packs, you might find ice burns on your face.

5. Salt Water Rinsing

Source: ambiencedental.com.au

If you are undergoing a dental implant or any other kind of oral surgery, you should always opt for salt water rinsing. There are many benefits to using this water solution. It decreases the quantum of bacteria that is propelling in the mouth. You will not face any irritation. Also, they will help to create a soothing effect inside the mouth.

It is good for the health of your throat, too. There are fewer chances that you will suffer from a sour throat. Generally, you can do salt water rinses 4 times a day, but you should discuss the application of the same with your dentist who has performed the surgery or someone who is well versed with the condition of your teeth.

6. No Smoking

Smoking is prohibited under all circumstances, especially when undergoing oral surgery. It can impact the condition of your teeth and implants and hamper your chances of having a proper recovery after the surgery. For those of you who are unaware, cigarettes contain nicotine and tobacco.

These restrict the oxygen inflow and outflow in the bones. Also, it harms the oral tissues of the body. Healing takes time when oxygen levels are not constant in the body. Also, the risk of implant failure is higher in smokers compared to the success rate amongst non-smokers.

7. Importance Of Good Oral Hygiene

Source: thehealthy.com

At last, you should realize the importance of good oral hygiene. When you were small, you were taught about the same, and now, it’s time for you to implement the same. There are various ways to restore oral health, from brushing twice a day to limiting the intake of sweets and chocolates. If you begin following a routine before, during, and after surgery, it will positively impact your recovery. But, at the same time, you should know that dentists are professionals in this field, and you can turn to get their advice whenever needed.


Many people are considering dental implant surgeries to treat their missing tooth issues. The process is not as hard as it seems. All you have to do is take proper care of the points communicated to you and not overdo or underdo anything. Also, it would help if you were cautious during the recovery stage, as it will determine the efficiency and longevity of dental implant surgery.

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