HCC Medical Insurance provides coverage in case of illness or injuries for individuals who are looking for temporary medical insurance. Individuals eligible for the HCC Life Short Term Medical (STM) insurance are all the applicants previously rejected for medical coverage, but only if the cause for rejection is resolved.
What is HCC Medical Insurance?
HCC Life Short Term Medical insurance, also know as “Amigo Medical”, is a great solution if you are looking for short-term temporary health insurance for yourself and your family. In case you are currently without medical insurance, this type of coverage will protect you in case of unpredicted illness or accidents.
HCC Medical Insurance is a great choice for:
– new employees waiting for a group health coverage to become active
– anyone currently waiting on approval of major medical coverage
– students and recent graduates
– individuals waiting for Medicare coverage approval
– individuals between the jobs
– individuals currently looking for a COBRA replacement
– any other person temporarily without health insurance benefits.
This type of the medical insurance allows you to have full control over your policy, decide the length and maximum amount of the coverage, to choose doctors and healthcare institutions where you would like to have a treatment, without any extra penalties and charges. Policy coverage is subject to the deductible and coinsurance with the exception of visits to an urgent care center.
After the HCC Life STM coverage is purchased, the individual is entitled for benefits for illness or sickness within 3 days from the effective date. The same waiting period is not applied to injuries.
Policy Options – You have complete control over your policy
Before purchasing an HCC Life STM insurance, you have the opportunity to decide about following policy options depending on your personal or family needs:
– Purchase method – full or monthly payments
– Coverage length – up to 6 or 11 months
– Coverage Period Maximum: Policy pays the maximum amount of $1 million or $2 million
– Deductible – amount you pay toward covered expenses before the policy pays benefits (max 3 deductibles is mandatory per family): $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, or $7,500
– Coinsurance: Percentage of eligible expenses the policy pays after the deductible: 80% or 50% of the next $5,000 of eligible expenses
What Expenses are covered by HCC Life STM?
Depending on the coinsurance you have in your policy, and after you satisfy your deductible, the following expenses are included in HCC Life STM coverage:
– Charges made by a physician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, radiologist, and any other medical specialist to whom the physician has referred the case
– Charges made for sutures, dressings, casts or other supplies prescribed by the physician or specialist (excluding oxygen tanks, nebulizers, diabetic supplies and all devices for repeat use at home)
– Charges for diagnostic testing using radiology, ultrasonography or laboratory services
– Charges for physical therapy that is prescribed in advance by a physician in relation to a covered injury or sickness
– Inpatient and outpatient charges made by a hospital, including inpatient prescription drugs
– Charges made by a licensed extended care facility upon direct transfer from an acute care hospital
– Expenses related to complications of pregnancy
– Charges for oxygen and other gases and anesthetics and their administration
– Emergency local ambulance transport in connection with injury or sickness resulting in inpatient hospitalization.
What Expenses are NOT covered by HCC Life STM?
Following expenses are not included in HCC Life STM coverage:
-pre-existing conditions (including those not inquired about on the enrollment form);
-routine physical exams;
-preventive or wellness doctor visits;
-dental or optical treatments;
-interscholastic and intercollegiate sports injuries;
-normal pregnancy or childbirth;
-over-the-counter medications and outpatient prescription drugs;
-expenses incurred outside the United States, its possessions or territories, or Canada
– varicose veins, substance abuse and alcoholism, chronic fatigue or pain disorders, and allergies, except for emergency treatment of allergic reactions, etc.*
* This is a partial list of exclusions and limitations.
When does the Coverage become Effective?
The coverage effective date depends on the type of HCC Medical Insurance enrollment:
- In the case of the online enrollment, by e-mail, or fax: coverage becomes effective at 12:01 am the date following the date form is received by insurance company/agent
- In case of the mail submitted forms: 12:01 am* on the postmark date of your completed enrollment form or 12:01 am* on the requested effective date, whichever is later, provided payment has been received.
How to purchase an HCC Medical Insurance?
HCC Medical Insurance Services are cooperating with a wide network of independent insurance agents, authorized to help you purchase the HCC Life STM policy. The big advantage of the HCC Medical Insurance is the possibility to enroll online right now, using your credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover).