Home Herbal Medicine Matcha Green Tea For A Healthy And Smooth Skin

Matcha Green Tea For A Healthy And Smooth Skin

by Skopje Macedonsko

Matcha tea is so much more than ‘just’ a tasty beverage. Not only can you drink in its goodness, but you can benefit from it on the outside too – namely, your skin and complexion.

And we don’t just mean by drinking it, but let’s just remind ourselves of the health benefits that consuming matcha green tea can bring to your skin;


Matcha Green Tea

source: nrollmed.com

Sufferers of acne should take note – green tea can help control breakouts of acne. This is because it is rich in antioxidants, which help lower inflammation. This can have a beneficial effect on skin prone to frequent eruptions.


Maybe drinking green tea doesn’t offer protection against the sun, as such and you definitely should not throw away the sunscreen just yet, but there is some evidence that drinking green and matcha tea can help the skin after exposure to the sun.

It can do this by repairing damage to the skin and to bring it back to where it should be, after too much sun.

Although it might mitigate the worst effects of the sun we still think prevention is better than the cure – wear sunscreen!


Is drinking green tea the same as sipping at the fountain of eternal youth? Well, maybe!

Because of the help that matcha and green tea can bring to your skin, namely in helping mitigate the havoc that the sun wreaks to its DNA, green tea is known to help preserve the youthful appearance of the skin.

This helps to slow down the aging process of skin from the sun. Once again, it is antioxidants which are to thank for this miracle!

source: mizubatea.com


If you are plagued by redness or suffer from Rosacea, then matcha tea might be beneficial.

Not only does it help combat UV rays, which will inflame the redness (literally) but it also can fight inflammation.

And you don’t have to just drink matcha green tea to get all the benefits of it. You can wear it, too – on your skin!

For those of you on a budget, thinking, this sounds expensive, don’t worry!

You don’t have to buy premium-priced skin care products to get the benefits of matcha onto your skin. You can make them yourself at home – and we show you how!


You Will Need

One large spoon

A glass or metal bowl

Some time to relax


3 tablespoons bentonite clay

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon matcha (cooking grade)

1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

6 drops peppermint oil

4 drops eucalyptus oil

100 mls steeped green tea


Mix the aloe vera, Pique Tea matcha powder and bentonite clay with the coconut oil in the metal or glass bowl.

Combine the ingredients with the spoon and use the back of it to get to work with the coconut oil – it needs to be completely blended.

Matcha Green Tea

source: youtube

When you see it beginning to turn into a paste, then gradually add in the green tea. Don’t let it get too watery, remember, it has to sit on your face without running off!

Now put in the drops of the essential oils; peppermint and eucalyptus – it needs to be blended in properly throughout the consistency.

Once evenly mixed, the preparation is ready to go on your face. Use it up while it’s still good and fresh!

To Apply

Don’t skimp on the amounts when you put this onto your skin. Cover it all completely, ensuring it doesn’t go into your eyes. Don’t forget to spread it thickly all over, not overlooking the neck.

Relax for fifteen minutes then rinse it away with tepid water.

Did you try our matcha clay face mask? What did you think? Let us know in our comments section!

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