One thing you learn as you grow is that your body is constantly giving you signals as to how it is feeling. Whether it’s pain or any other signal, paying attention to it could help you prevent or timely solve some underlying problems. One of the easiest ways to notice changes is by looking at your skin.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Skin changes are frequent, so many of us don’t pay enough attention to it. That is perfectly fine sometimes, not every skin change means that there is something more serious going on. However, if you notice some persistent problems, it could indicate that something’s brewing underneath. Some people do have problematic skin, indicating just some minor skin problems which could be solved by changing the skin routine. Others on the other hand could just be ignoring the signs. Whatever the case is, today we’re going to present you with some of the most common skin changes and what they could mean.
1. What Does The Dry Skin Mean?
A lot of people suffer from dry skin and it is usually easy to deal with. All you need to do is hydrate more, meaning, drink more water and eat foods rich in water or find a good moisturizing cream or body lotion. But, what if that’s not cutting it? If your skin remains dry and itchy, even when you’re drinking a lot of water and taking good care of it – it could mean a couple of things. Most common underlying issues to chronically dry skin are eczema or climate. Eczema is a chronic condition and it can cause many skin issues like dryness, itchiness, redness and even cracks. It can be caused by either immunological or environmental reasons. Luckily, this condition is treatable and manageable.
2. What Do Chin And Jawline Acne Breakouts Mean?
Pimples and acne are more than common skin issues for most young people. That is somewhat expected, giving the fact that the hormones are raging during our teenage years and unless the acne is severe, there’s not a lot to be worried about aside from looks. However, what if the breakouts happen often even after we’ve matured as human beings? Well, that could potentially mean that there are still some hormonal things happening. To be more precise, jawline and chin breakouts could indicate a hormonal imbalance. Also, it could mean you’re under a lot of stress. However, if the problems keep occurring regularly it might be worth looking into it.
3. What Do Cheeks Acne Breakouts Mean?
Acne or pimples on cheeks are usually the results of dirt. If you’re someone that’s on the phone a lot of the time or you’re applying makeup daily you might want to take a look at your phone or brushes and clean them. Also, if you’re sleeping on your side or stomach, a dirty pillowcase could be causing some problems, too. However, cheeks could also indicate some lung problems. So, if you’re a smoker it might be time to quit – if not for clean skin, then for your overall health. With all that being said, cheeks tend to be the most exposed to outside factors, so getting a good acne cream or facial wash from could be a good place to start.
4. What Do Dark Circles Mean?
We’ve become accustomed to seeing dark circles under the eyes. Some even wear them proudly as a visual representation of their hard work and lack of sleep while others hide them, but none are actually doing anything to solve the problem. Dark circles and eye bags are usually indicators of nutrient deficiency, lack of sleep or dehydration. Also, they could be genetic. If that’s the case, there’s not a lot you can do about them. If they are however the result of bad sleep regimen and bad eating and drinking habits, you could do a lot about them. One thing to remember is – they will get more prominent with age, so using some skincare products could make a difference. Other than that, they usually don’t indicate any particular issues by themselves.
5. What Do Sun Spots Mean?
Sunspots as usually a clean indicator of the damage the sun has done to your skin. Most of them are harmless, but if you notice any major changes or some new ones start becoming noticeable, it might be best to consult with a dermatologist because they could mean a lot of things.
6. What Does Excessive Sweating And Flushing Mean?
Increased sweating could just mean that you’re well-hydrated, that you’ve been doing something physically challenging or have been spending time in a hot environment. However, if sweating occurs along with facial flushing, feeling hot and redness of palms, you might be dealing with the hyperactive thyroid gland. We don’t usually pay attention to these, but if you end up experiencing hair loss alongside these other symptoms – you should probably visit a medical doctor.
7. What Does Hyperpigmentation Or Dark Patches On Your Face Mean?
This condition, known as melisma, is usually present in women who experience some hormonal imbalance. Usually, changes like these happen during or after pregnancy when the hormones are all over the place. They are not indicators of anything serious or underlying, but can linger on for a very long time and can be triggered by sun exposure or additional hormonal spikes. There are a lot of possible treatments for this condition – from creams and lotions to laser treatments.
8. What Does Unexplainable Bruising Mean?
If you’ve ever woken up and noticed a bruise you just couldn’t place, it usually isn’t because you cannot remember hurting yourself, but rather a bleeding disorder. If these are frequently occurring, it is recommended to see a doctor. Keep in mind, however, body bruises more easily with age, so there are a few factors involved if you’re over the age of 50.
There are a lot of things that your skin is telling you. Some of them are just simple reactions to the environment or cosmetic products and shouldn’t alarm you. However, if you notice some changes that you cannot quite explain or you’re experiencing some discomfort, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist.