When you ask any expert which is the best or perhaps the worst travel insurance company, he will surely not say it to you. However, you may not have asked the right person. Try with Michael Blank, a man who recently had a very unpleasant experience on a trip to Middle East, India and Southeast Asia when he and his wife traveled together. They were the victims of severe sinus infections. Of course, the doctor helped them kindly, and they paid him $313, after which they filled out an online form so that the insurance company would pay them the costs. This happened, of course, because Seven Corners Travel Insurance company quickly paid for everything that was necessary. Yet it is a feature of a good travel insurance company, and that’s what these companies need to do. Unfortunately, on the other hand, we have some bad companies about which we do not wantto talk too much now.
These are the worst travel insurance companies
It is still necessary to say what the bad companies are and what they offer. First of all, it is necessary to say that most of these companies do not actually offer any insurance. We have an example of a company that allegedly sold travel “protection.” Although it was supposed to be travel insurance, it was not really the truth, but it was some attempt by the company to avoid state regulators. This is just one of the educational stories that teaches you to take care of possible fraud by travel companies.
Of course, there are still such cases, for example with tour operators or cruise lines, where the insurance they offer does not cover all bills. On the other hand, we have companies that offer similar offers that are completely safe. For example, BHTP has its ExactCare Extra offer, which is pretty good. It covers some situations such as trip cancellation, medical coverage or flight cancellations.
This means that there are some very good and safe offers of travel insurance and that there is no reason to worry. There are situations when travel insurance can be more beneficial than medical insurance, for example when traveling internationally. Then there may be some unforeseen situations such as trip delays, lost luggage or maybe lost luggage. All you need to do when choosing the right travel insurance is to be well informed.
The best travel insurance companies
In order to help you choose the right travel insurance company, we decided to prepare a list of several companies that are very good and reliable. With them, surely you will not have problems and you are able to focus on a vacation, but not at the cost of the bills. So, let start.
Allianz Global Assistance
Allianz Global Assistance is certainly the largest and most reliable company offering travel insurance. It is part of the Allianz SE, the largest diversified insurance company in the world. Most of the users who have done business with this company have positive impressions.
All the requests that were sent were done very quickly. One person recently realized the importance of travel insurance. It’s Jim Angleton who recently traveled from the Middle East to Miami and had problems with the flight delay due to the hurricane that hit South Florida.
On the occasion of this event he said: “We ran and got the last four business class tickets on the Emirates. In today’s crazy travel world and climate it is very important – almost a must-have trip insurance.” Of course, Allianz Global Assistance quickly covered its costs, which made Jim very pleased.
Amex Assurance
Another rather reliable insurance company. Amex Assurance has a lot of different types of insurance in its offer, so you will surely find what you need. Otherwise, a large number of users are very satisfied with their services. It is also not necessary to be a cardmember to get all the benefits of their insurance plan.
Generali Global Assistance
Generali Global Assistance is the successor to CSA Travel Protection, which is one of the best companies in the area of travel insurance. The Europ Assistance (EA) Group, which is otherwise its parent company has been operating since 1963 and has a great tradition. Of course, with a great tradition, the company is featured by the high reliability and quality of service that many users are very satisfied with.
Seven Corners
Seven Corners is the company we mentioned in the previous section as an example of a good travel insurance company. And that’s really the case. This company operates with government agencies of United States, as well as with some international companies and governments of other countries.
This means that Seven Corners is a very reliable travel insurance company and that all customers who decide to buy their insurance plan will have no problems covering the bills. All recent cases, such as the case of Michael Blank, have been completed very professionally and without any problems.

source: sxpertsforexpats.com
Travelex is a travel insurance company based in Australia. This company is owned by the Cover-More Group, which is, in fact, the largest insurance company in Australia. Like other insurance companies on our list, and Travelex is featured by a large number of fast and quality solved cases.
They also have a lot of satisfied users. We have an example of Travelex’s professional business and positive experience of their user, Christine Dailey. She is an employee of a California based construction company. She recently traveled to Europe and for this occasion, she bought travel insurance for three weeks. It was a good decision because she had a trip accident.
On the occasion, she said: “I had a fall on Portuguese cobblestones during a shore excursion and fractured a finger. Incurred $ 910 in medical treatment by the ship’s doctor.” Since she had travel insurance, she did not have any problems with covering the costs she had. She added: “I received payment in full within three weeks.” This is a great recommendation for Travelex because this case was solved very efficiently.
Travel Guard
Another very professional and reliable company. It’s about Travel Guard, whose parent company is AIG. Excellent reputation stands behind this insurance company and a large number of users have confidence in the Travel Guard. Otherwise, the seat of this company is in America.
Most of the cases of their users were very successful, quality and fast. Also, all users whose experience we were able to hear were very satisfied with the services of this company. We certainly recommend Travel Guard as one of the best travel insurance companies.
Travel insurance doesn’t solve everything
Of course, travel insurance companies are not able to always cover and solve all cases. Although we have selected a few companies that we think are currently the best and which have the best results with the users, this does not mean that they are ideal. Although they advertise their insurance plans as perfect, this is not always the case, because it can happen that these plans have certain limits.
For this reason, it is important to carefully read out the details of your contract. One of the problems that can happen is that companies can not cover all the situations. For example, some users often buy additional medical evacuation membership such as MedjetAssist and pay for about $ 270 for a year.
Also, MedjetAssist cooperates with over 250 air ambulances that are always ready to help users. All in all, travel insurance is certainly necessary and it would not be a good idea to go on a journey without it.