Proper nutrition can satisfy the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals. However, considering the modern way of life, the amount of stress with the fact that we are supplied mostly by market foods and often do not have time for fresh fruits and vegetables – then dietary supplements are of course the choice.
Consumer Society Trouble
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In recent years, we have been bombarded with advertisements about supplements so much, that we have the impression that they have become a must. The truth is somewhere in between. Some people know their value and usefulness to the organism and adhere to the prescribed doses. But we cannot deny that some never take them, as well as those who overdo it. Like everything else we abuse – we also misused something as natural and necessary as vitamins.
Today, it is impossible to imagine life without nutritional supplements.
For those who say “It wasn’t like that in my time” – we are reminding that, for example, vitamin D has been reduced the problem with rickets to a statistical error, and is recommended for many who rarely see the sun and have increased blood pressure or diabetes. Vitamin E is an indispensable component of all creams, including hand-cream. Vitamin C is good for the skin because it solves the problem of greyness as well as scars but also boosts immunity.
Do You Need Supplements At All?
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Many of these elements may not be needed to some great extent. At least until it shows the opposite with a simple blood extraction, or until their diet is balanced. Only, who can say that they always feed properly? Who can guarantee that his ulcer or helicobacter will not “consume” B12, which is very important for many processes in the body?
Who can say that he was never anemic and did not need iron supplements? That the cramps and headaches you suffer from are not due to a magnesium deficiency? If you feed in bakeries and eat roasted pork more often than broccoli – then you are the number one candidate for nutritional balancing through supplements.
What is not advisable, though, is swallow just any product without checking first what we are missing. Many will not benefit from taking supplements, but if you know that too much of these in the body can cause as much disturbance as the deficiency – then you should carefully pack the bottles at home.
Health Or Celebrities Trend?
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It’s hard to resist when you hear the Oscar-winning Hillary Swank, Angelina Jolie or the famous Madonna, and even many local stars, often taking minerals and vitamins through infusion, not just regularly, but rather live on it. When you have as many choices as we do today – it’s hard to make a selection of what’s right for you.
OK, we all know what it is for, but we often overlook the unknown side. There is a great war in the world about the harmfulness and benefits – especially when it comes to multivitamin pills, that “promise” good health without any effort. And while everyone thought until recently that fish oil capsules couldn’t harm, a study by the Seattle Cancer Research Center says that high doses can increase the chance of developing prostate cancer by 71%.
Multivitamin Pills – Yes or No?
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Four years ago in France, a survey of 8,000 volunteers found that taking multivitamins did not affect the prevention of heart or cancer problems. The results were the same as those taking a placebo. The same research has shown that B6, iron, magnesium or zinc can even increase the possibility of premature death.
However, what must be emphasized is that this can happen when people take extremely large or excessive doses. This is usually the case when people are scared of very serious diagnoses such as cancer. Therefore, it is very important what quantities of vitamins you bring into the body, as well as the quality of the products mentioned.
If you buy products from reliable manufacturers – you will know what you have bought just by reading the packaging declaration. On the other hand, always stick to the recommended daily dose and do not increase it, and especially do not duplicate it – as many people do.
Find Yourself Some Healthy Products
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You can find a large number of such products on the market. But, in addition to dosing and proper using, pay attention to the purpose. Today, you can buy some great multivitamin products that will replace those untasty but healthy “green smoothies” from vegetables, that are sometimes so hard to swallow.
According to, you can now replace such drinks with easily digestible tablets that will help you ingesting the daily required dose of elements that you miss in your regular diet. Keep in mind, though, that health comes first.
Justification of Consumption Supplements
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The most common justified use of supplements is in the diet of pregnant and nursing women, athletes, women in menopause, in the prevention of child health, in convalescents or during certain diseases or medical conditions. Experts advise that you take individual vitamin preparations only on the recommendation of a doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist. Certain elements are recommended for certain conditions or illnesses when there is a greater need or deficiency. It is dangerous to take them on your own, as they can impair the absorption of other vitamins and minerals and therefore endanger our health.
Should We Take Vitamins Or Multivitamin Products?
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Doctors claim that multivitamin products are better because they contain all the necessary elements in the exact specified amount according to the daily needs of a certain category of people. Also, these products contain the necessary vitamins and minerals in optimal concentration.
For example, for good iron absorption, the optimal intake of vitamin C and folic acid is necessary. Good calcium absorption requires optimal intake of vitamins K and D, etc. This exact balance can be found in high-quality multivitamin products, experts say.
Have You Got A Lack Of Nutrients?
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Reliable signs of vitamin C deficiency in the body are fatigue, indolence, lack of appetite, pale complexion, muscle and bone pain, frequent colds and headaches, soft gums, the tendency for infections and bruises, lack of breath, poor digestion. This element is most commonly missed by smokers, people who drink black coffee, tea and alcohol.
Muscle Cramps – Potassium Deficiency
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Lack of potassium, magnesium and other electrolytes can cause muscle cramps. Insomnia is an alarm for the lack of magnesium, zinc and amino acids.