Home Proteins What Vitamins Can Do

What Vitamins Can Do

by Dustin Cortright

When you were a kid, your mother told you to take your vitamins. Unfortunately, most adults stop taking vitamins once they turn 18. They figure that they don’t need them anymore now that they’re adults.

But while you may not need to clean your plate at every meal or make your bed every morning, you might still need vitamins. Here’s a closer look at a few vitamins that adults should consider taking.

Vitamin D

If you live in Florida, it’s almost hard not to get enough Vitamin D. But things are different for people in more northern climates. Look at a map of the United States. Draw a line (it can be imaginary) from San Francisco to Philadelphia. Experts say that if you live above that line, then there’s a good chance you aren’t getting enough Vitamin D from natural sunlight.

A lack of sunlight can give you Seasonal Affective Disorder, but it can also affect your body in other ways. People with Vitamin D deficiencies are also at risk of other health conditions like heart disease and osteoporosis. You may even be at a higher risk of contracting the flu. Harsh winters are unpleasant enough as is — if you get the flu on top of everything else, then you’re going to feel even worse.

What Vitamins Can Do

source: phys.org

But resist the urge to go out and buy the first bottle of Vitamin D you see on the shelves. Look for reputable vitamin manufacturers committed to transparency about their manufacturing process. They shouldn’t make vague promises that are impossible to keep, either. Be suspicious of companies that promise miracles.


You’re out on your morning run when you feel pain your stomach. In no time at all, you’re cramping up and doubled over in pain. This is one of the classic symptoms of potassium deficiency. To avoid it, you can eat a banana before you go for a run. But for some people, that won’t quite be enough.

Muscle cramps aren’t the only sign that you’re low in potassium, though they are one of the most painful and obvious symptoms. For instance, you might also feel tired and weak. Granted, feeling that way isn’t something that only happens when you need potassium. It can also be caused by a lack of sleep or a virus. But sore muscles and a racing heart can also be linked to potassium issues.

And if your foot falls asleep, it might be a sign that you need to get up and walk around a little. Or it might be a sign that you need to walk outside, get in your car, and drive to the store to buy some potassium supplements.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a great vitamin, but it’s not a cure-all that magically fixes everything. You’ve doubtless seen vitamin C billed as something that will protect you from all manner of sicknesses. It might keep you from getting a cold that’s going around the office, sure.

But it also has another purpose that’s often overlooked. Vitamin C may help speed up the healing process. That’s according to researchers who looked at what happened when people who recently had surgery took vitamin C supplements.

What Vitamins Can Do

source: modaycenter.com

Let’s say you’re involved in a bad car accident in Oregon. Vitamin C won’t prevent other drivers from messing up and hitting your car, obviously. But there’s a chance that it could help you get better faster if you get hurt. There are no guarantees. If your wounds are severe enough, you may need to stop worrying as much about vitamins and start thinking about hiring a personal injury lawyer in Salem, OR.

With a little luck, supplements might help you get out of the hospital and back to work sooner. In many cases, people heal faster if they’re already relatively healthy. If nothing else, supplements can give your overall health a bit of a boost.

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